T h e   N e w   L e t t e r   i s . . .

Which is for
the History of the Horseshoe Golf World Championships

Will make history again on
May 3rd 2014 at noon, until then -

Once Upon a time ...                     

The owners of AHH Winery invited the Wine Club members to play
Horseshoe Golf
at the
b e a u t i f u l
18 post course at the AHH Villa.

The stars found it stupendous, even the louts loved it.
Folks found that it's more fun than horseshoes, and way easier than golf....

Plus, it was living proof that A
HH Winery is an All-American winery,
because they sponsor a sporting event.

Horseshoe Golf is the only game in the world that encourages you to
make up your own rules, such that you will like the game more and more.
It's the game that makes a boring backyard into a horseshoe pitching paradise.
"The family that pitch together doesn't bitch together."

This game has become the permanent craze that is sweeping the cosmos.

Think of it this way: this is a get-rich-quick opportunity.
Get in on the ground level because every shoe pitched hits pay-dirt.
The smart money has decided to own their own franchises.
You too can become a pro and open your own pro-shop!
The possibilities are endless, the history proves it.

( You know that annoying phrase:                                                                                           
"So if you're so smart, how come you're not richer?"
                             Well now's your chance to remove all annoyance. )

That's our pitch.  Buy your franchise by calling
707 933-4404
leave a message

a little bit more on the history of the celebrities that play
Horseshoe Golf...

Our Founding Father                                                                              

a little knock-kneed, but still cute                                                                             

And on that beautiful May day, we did get a winner !                      

The 'first' World Champion...

               Walt Zabel                          

May the record of the game
reflect the following facts:

In 2007,
Due to the
heavy protests,
because the creator of the game
builder of the course,
Bruce H. Rector,
won the final round of...

The World's First
Horseshoe Golf Championship,
which was held in May of 2007,
that Championship has been
nullified, voided,
bunked and debunked,
and it was
rescheduled to:
May 3rd, 2008.
The results are below.
The game has never seen
more class and style.
The Ladies 2008 Winner
Marty Ries
Our 2009 World Champion !
   Rick Coeur

Here he is with his game-face on and pictured with the lovely ZeeeeeBest.
                                     Take note !
This individual is living proof that you too can be a world champion,
                 you just have to beat this knarly dude.
Your chance to be a champion will also be aided if it is raining in 2010 as it was in 2009.
It cuts down the field, but no matter how adverse the weather is, the hard core will be there.  
You will also be helped if you bring a C.P.A. to try to mediate disputes as seen below.  Mike
Green, practicing in Monterey is highly recommended.  And if that doesn't work, try a really
nice person like Marty Ries.  

We thank Budweiser and Sierra Nevada for sponsoring this fine sporting event. )
And we do have a winner for 2010...
you won't believe who it is!
Never has there been such a turn-out.  Never has the Villa
and the surrounding hills been rocked by the roar of such an
enthusiastic crowd.  There were so many pitchers that for
the first round we all had to play with only one shoe.  The
other shoe might not have dropped, but we still sorted the
wheat from the chaff and the cream rose to the surface.

The crew that creamed them all in the first round.
The Finalists hoping to become the Titlest
Marty, Bruce, Rick, and Brian.
And you can't believe who the winner was...
That Bud must have been for him,   (Read... those many Buds)

Our Founding Father himself !
                                                               Bruce H. Rector
Here's how the fun and frolic unfolded
Marty Ries, in blue, giving the hot tips on how to win.
Also prevailing in 2009 &  2010
Now get this...  People actually paying attention during a Party !
Except for Suzanne Saville, the girl holding the horseshoes in the dark blue top,
she was in the early throws of inventing the next dance craze,
The Horseshoe Shuffle !!!
History will please erase the memory of the inappropriate actions of the two blonds, in red and blue, otherwise knowns as
The Tequila Girls
Too long, or too short, or even a ringer...
That's our Pitch
Not only are We Sticking With It,


                                                                                                         Except for...
Well... documentation is very light for the 2011 World Championship.

Partly because Russ Ries wasn't there to snap away,
and mostly because it would of only been rubbing it in to pictorially proclaim that

B r u c e   H. R e c t o r,  our founding father,
once again became the World Champion.

However, let the record show that a complete nubie to Horseshoe Golf,
A n d r e w   A l l e y,
who came all the way from North Carolina, darn near won the title.

So nubies, take heart, the field is wide open, so come one, come on, come all,
and have a hoot getting famous on May 4th 2013, Saturday at Noon.

707 933-4404
And Now...                                                          
It's 2012
                                         Cutting right to the chase...
And the Finalists are :      But before we get there...

To tell the truth, see the guy in the big hat with the kinda paisley shirt, well Margaret Zaharoff
almost eliminated him in the pre-lims, if it wasn't for one skinny point.

 Meanwhile, here are the 2012 finalists:
 John, Marty, Greg, and the random luck guy, Bruce.
When he starts to do
this silly dance,
you know random luck
has struck again !

I would call these guys some happy campers !
And next year, don't miss
the After-Party . . .

And After-Glow !
That's 2012
and now on to

May 4th 2013

SeeYa !
Amid vicious complaints of constant practicing by the winner, he wants the rector, I mean record to be straight:
he never practices.

So let's keep this brief.  The winner for 2013 is our loyal founder and finagler,

Bruce H. Rector

                                                                                                          Let's dust this guy       
                                                               May 3rd 2014